Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are used to resurface the skin of the face, chest and hands, and may be used following a Face lift procedure. A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to denature and remove wrinkles and sun damaged skin revealing a healthier and smooth, blemish free skin layer.

About chemical peels

There are different chemical peels used with varying depths of effect and peeling of the skin. The depth of peel is determined by the amount of wrinkling and sun damage that the skin has sustained. The range of chemical peels Dr. Bobby A. Kumar uses are trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Jessner’s solution or alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). The precise formula of chemical peel used is tailored to your individual needs.

Alphahydroxy acids are a range of light peels and may be used to treat very fine wrinkles, areas of dryness, uneven superficial pigmentation and acne. Examples of AHA’s are Lactic acid, fruit acids and Glycolic acids. AHA’s are mild and do not have any downtime, to enhance their effects they are usually combined with a range of cosmeceutical skin care products which provides superior results in skin texture and appearance.

Trichloroacetic acid and Jessner peels are stronger, they are medium depth peels which cause skin swelling, peeling and crusting following its application. As a consequence it will have a period of recovery usually 10-14 days; a range of skin care to enable healing of the skin should be used.

Chemical Peel Consultation and Treatment

Dr. Bobby A. Kumar will ask about your health history and any previous skin treatments you have had, the various kinds of peels available and whether you will be able to take time out of work to recover from your procedure.

Your skin type and what results you are hoping to achieve will determine the kind of peel that is best and appropriate for you. Following any form of chemical peel a reputable sun block of at least SPF 30+ should be used to protect you from any further harmful UV A and UV B radiation.

To maximise and maintain their results patients should use a range of skin care products to help heal and soften the skin.

An AHA peel will initially feel itchy and irritated and cause some mild redness which will subside over several hours. Over the next 2-3 days the skin will feel dry and develop fine peeling, this should not prevent you from performing your normal duties or activities at work. A moisturising skin care product will help and a cream containing AHA’s can be used at home to continue the rejuvenation process.

TCA and Jessner peels will initially cause the skin to “frost” or appear white. The skin will swell and often darkens as the damaged wrinkled layers peel; it will look similar to a severe sun burn. Patients will experience discomfort and pain; pre treatment topical anaesthetic or dental blocks will help as well as oral analgesics. There is usually a recovery period of 10 -14 days, with some residual redness of the skin as it heals. Once again a skin care regime is recommended to help heal and maintain the results of the peel. Patients will have fresh and natural skin and should expect to return to work by about 14 days. Complications include pain, discomfort and areas of persistent pigmentation.

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