Face Lift And Neck Lift Surgery In Sydney, Port Macquarie And Coffs Harbour; Frequently Asked Questions
First impressions make a difference in our society and our faces convey much about who we are. Many men and women seek to enhance or restore their facial appearance to a more youthful and rejuvenated look in step with who they are on the inside.
The following are questions that I am frequently asked by men and women considering Facelift Surgery.
1. I don’t want to look strange or unnatural – is this avoidable in Facelift surgery?
In the hands of an experienced and talented Cosmetic Surgeon, natural and rejuvenated results are achievable with Facelift surgery.
Often the images that spring to mind when thinking about facelift surgery are the well known celebrities that look like they’ve spent a month in a wind tunnel and have distorted and unbalanced faces pulled too tightly and unnaturally. Other looks most patients wish to avoid are known as “moonface” or “catwoman”.
A skilled and knowledgeable Cosmetic Surgeon is able to deliver results that are natural and long lasting, taking potentially 10-15 years from your apparent age. Thorough preparation involving repeated consultations between the Cosmetic Surgeon and the patient are crucial in establishing a positive rapport, trust and a consensus as to appropriate expectations regarding the results and a foundation for an optimal outcome.
2. What should I expect from the recovery process from Facelift surgery?
Immediately after surgery, the Cosmetic Surgeon will apply dressings and bandaging that require replacing on a daily basis for the first two weeks. A bandage that wraps around the head, under the chin and over the ears, should be worn for 24 hours for the first six weeks after surgery, and then at night or at home for another 6 weeks. Stitches inserted by the Cosmetic Surgeon are usually removed within 1 – 2 weeks, depending on your healing and recovery.
Initial pain and discomfort is addressed with pain relief prescribed by the Cosmetic Surgeon and Anaesthetist. Initial bruising should resolve within one to two weeks after surgery. Swelling takes longer to resolve; up to 6 to 12 weeks.
You need to sleep on your back for approximately 6 weeks, supported by pillows at your sides to prevent you from turning on your side.
Improvements in your appearance can be noticeable as early as a week to two weeks, but optimal results are not seen until further down the track in your recovery as swelling resolves and the tissues heal.
3. Will the scars from the Facelift surgery be visible?
Again, this is depending on the skill and technique of the Cosmetic Surgeon (and one reason it pays to do your research and seek several opinions prior to choosing a Surgeon to perform your surgery). In the right hands, your incisions are carefully placed and hidden to avoid detection.
4. Does facelift surgery include lifting the eyes?
Facelift surgery addresses the loose and sagging skin and tissue of the face. Surgery to the eyes, known as Blepharoplasty, can be performed on either or both the upper and lower eyelids. This is often performed in conjunction with a Facelift to achieve the overall refreshed appearance sought by the patient. Facelift surgery may also be combined with neck lift surgery, specifically addressing the sagging skin and tissue on the neck area. A Browlift may also be recommended in conjunction with Facelift surgery to achieve a lift of the forehead and eye area.
These different procedures will be discussed with you at length by the Cosmetic Surgeon in light of what you want to achieve, your present appearance, and what procedure/s is/are most suitable to achieve your goals.
5. How long does Facelift surgery take?
Facelift surgery can take anywhere between 2 and 4 hours depending on what your particular surgery entails. It is usually performed under general anaesthetic.
6. I’ve heard of thread lift surgery for the face; is this a better and less invasive option to Facelift surgery?
In short this is not a better or less Invasive procedure.
Thread lift surgery involves the insertion of threads into the facial tissue which are then pulled tightly in an attempt to lift the skin and tissue. The threads have barbs placed along their length in order to provide grip on the tissues.
Unfortunately, whilst thread lifts are heavily promoted and marketed, patients who have pursued the procedure are inevitably unhappy with the results. This is partly due to thread lifts being performed on many patients who are not suitable candidates for the procedure. The procedure is also performed by medical practitioners who are not adequately qualified in performing surgery and lack a thorough understanding of the facial tissues, underlying muscles, nerve supply and blood supply.
Many of these patients then seek Facelift surgery to achieve the results they were originally seeking. Unfortunately, this poses significant difficulty for the Cosmetic Surgeon performing a Facelift as the threads are extremely difficult and time consuming to remove, adding time and complication to the Facelift procedure.
7. Will I require further procedures after the Facelift surgery?
No facelift surgery can offer an absolutely perfect result, and usually the Cosmetic Surgeon will discuss with you prior to surgery what further procedures may be required following surgery to enhance or maintain the results. For example, Dermal Fillers may be recommended after surgery to add volume to areas of the face such as the cheeks or lips to enhance a youthful appearance. Another recommendation may be the use of a Cosmetic Facial peel to resurface and rejuvenate the skin. Only ever pursue further facial treatments on the advise and recommendation of your Cosmetic Surgeon.
Looking after your skin and face will contribute to long lasting results. Discussing with your Cosmetic Surgeon your ongoing skincare regime and other treatments is important to achieving and maintaining the best results.
The over-riding message if you are considering Facelift Sydney surgery is to do your research, seek several surgical opinions. Choose a fully qualified and experienced Cosmetic Surgeon with previous results that appeal to you and with whom you can build confidence and trust.