Breast Augmentation or Breast Enlargement – What to expect in your Consultation with Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Bobby Kumar
Breast Augmentation or Breast Enlargement – Frequently Asked Questions during your Consultation at Bareaesthetics Cosmetic Surgery Clinics
These are the most common questions asked by women in Sydney, Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour who are considering Breast Augmentation Surgery:
1. How long does Breast Augmentation surgery take?
Breast Augmentation surgery in total takes between 1.5 and 2 hours
2. Under what type of anaesthetic is Breast Augmentation performed?
Breast Augmentation can be performed under either sedation anaesthesia or general anaesthesia; general anaesthesia is more common.
3. How do I know what size implants to choose?
At the time of your consultation, you will have the opportunity to view different types of breast implants and “try” them for size. You need to make sure you are wearing a bra that will tolerate the breast implants being placed in the cup and wearing a plain t-shirt top helps to give you the best impression of sizing.
Every woman is different with regard to choosing breast implant size – the size of breast implant in one woman may give a significantly different result in another woman. This is one reason why viewing images of breast augmentation before and after photos should be done bearing in mind that each woman’s result is individual to her.
When choosing breast implant size, there are several factors to take into account, such as existing breast tissue, chest diameter, height and weight, overall body proportions and position of the breasts on the chest wall. The Cosmetic Surgeon will be able to recommend an appropriate breast implant size for you depending on the above factors and your goals and desired result.
4. What happens in a consultation with the Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Bobby Kumar?
On arrival for your consultation, you will be required to complete a questionnaire asking you information about your medical history and reasons for considering Cosmetic Breast Augmentation Surgery. In your consultation, the Cosmetic Surgeon will discuss your medical history, conduct a thorough medical examination, take measurements and photos of the chest area and discuss in detail breast augmentation surgery. The Cosmetic Surgeon will also discuss what types of breast implants are available and make recommendations as to what type and size of breast implant will achieve the results you desire. As previously mentioned, you will be able to view and try a range of breast implants.
5. How long is recovery time from Breast Augmentation?
Most women take between 1 and 2 weeks off work (depending on the type of work they do) to recover from Breast Augmentation surgery. Any upper body activity, including exercise, lifting or bending over, needs to be avoided for at least 6 weeks to allow for the tissues to heal, swelling to resolve and the breast implants to settle into position. Driving needs to be avoided for 2 weeks after breast augmentation and flying should be avoided for approximately 6-8 weeks due to the breast surgery’s proximity to the chest wall and therefore the lungs.
6. What preparation do I need to do for Breast Augmentation surgery?
The first step is to have a consultation with a fully qualified and experienced Cosmetic Surgeon. From there you are in a position to schedule breast augmentation surgery. Once your surgery is booked, you may want to have a second sizing of breast implants to be sure of the size you want. Prior to your surgery, you will be required to undergo a range of routine blood tests to provide the Cosmetic Surgeon with information necessary about your health status. You will also be required to take antibiotics for approxiamtley 7-10 days after your surgery; this will help to reduce the risk of infection.
Payment for your breast augmentation surgery is usually required in full prior to your surgery.
7. Where is the incision made for the breast implants?
The most common incision site for insertion of breast implants is in the crease under the breast where the scar can be hidden. Other less common locations for the incision are either around the nipples or under the armpits both of which are more complicated and carry more risks.
8. Do you recommend saline or silicone breast implants?
There are two main types of breast implants; saline and silicone. Saline breast implants are essentially an outer silicone shell filled with a saline fluid. These used to be the most common type of breast implant used but have become less liked due to the literal feeling of a “bag of water” rather than natural breast tissue. Silicone breast implants consist of an outer silicone shell containing a silicone gel; these are now more common due to their natural feel similar to breast tissue. In the uncommon event that a silicone breast implant ruptures, the silicone gel stays intact rather than spilling into the surrounding breast tissue.
The Cosmetic Surgeon will discuss both types of breast implants with you, outlining the advantages and disadvantages of each to allow you to make an informed decision.
9. I’ve heard of “furry Brazilian” breast implants – what are these?
The shell of silicone breast implants come in two types; smooth or textured. “Furry Brazilian” or P-URE for PolyUREthane breast implants originated from Brazil and are a textured layer on the outer surface of the breast implant. Breast implants are not a one type suits all; for some women a smooth breast implant will be the best option, for other women a textured breast implant will be the more suitable option. Again, this is something the Cosmetic Surgeon will discuss with you in detail so you can make an informed choice. Textured implants have now been associated with an uncommon form of breast cancer (non-hodgkins Lymphoma or Anaplastic large cell lymphoma), so Dr. Bobby Kumar no longer recommends this type of Implant.
10. Will I still be able to breast feed after breast augmentation surgery?
Breast feeding can vary from female to female, irrespective of whether you have surgery for Breast augmentation or not. The instances where breast feeding may be affected is if the Incision is through the armpit or around the nipple areolar complex. Otherwise if the Incision is under the crease of the breast there is no Impact on the breast ductal structures or nerves supplying the, therefore most women should have the same chances of breast feeding as those women not having had the surgery.
11.Can breast cancer still be detected after breast augmentation surgery?
Yes. Various studies have been conducted and no evidence has been found that breast implants increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. However, as the breast tissue volume thins under the influence of the breast Implant it has been found that breast cancer detection may be delayed by about 3 months. This does not change the overall prognosis of breast cancer once detected compared with women never having had breast augmentation surgery.
Whilst MRI scans are recommended in the USA every 2 years for women having had breast Implant surgery, this is not the case for women in Australia. Women are advised to perform routine self breast examinations, and carry out the required radiological investigations such as MRI, mammogram or ultrasound of their breasts. Any unusual lumps or findings should be brought to the attention of your cosmetic surgeon or at the least your family doctor for further Investigation.